Because our customers only have to worry about enjoying their vehicle, at Skomovil, aware of the importance of what affects the weather when driving your Škoda, we want to reward your loyalty with a free checkup of the main safety elements with the PREPARE YOUR VEHICLE INSPECTION FOR THE COLD and to ensure its perfect operation.
For this we will review the following points:
·Review of Levels.
· Liquid glass cleaner.
·Brake fluid.
·Battery control.
·Tire control (state/pressure).
·Air conditioning/heating operation control.
·Windshield wiper status control.
Check lights and optics status
·Check emergency kit.
Make an appointment at our workshop and don’t let winter surprise you!
Come to SKOMOVIL and discover exclusive winter accessories: chains, ice scrapers, tire warmers and much more at an unbeatable price.
Book your Škoda at Skomovil and save on registration fees